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Disclaimer: TravelCare+ is currently in beta and features experimental functionalities that are undergoing testing. While we strive for accuracy, the costs provided are averages and individual expenses may vary.

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“Each time they have an item, an episode of care, it costs two or three or five times more than it should, by international standards”

Tom Sackville, chief executive of the IFHP

Medical Tourism saves Americans thousands of dollars…

TravelCare Plus Search by The Next Gen Business

Medical Tourism

“Each year, millions of US residents travel to another country for medical care which is called medical tourism”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

America is the highest spending country worldwide when it comes to health care

Statista, a market leader of reliable business data

The information presented is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We recommend consulting with qualified healthcare professionals for personalized medical advice.

The data aggregated by TravelCare+ may come from multiple sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information. Healthcare laws and guidelines can differ by jurisdiction, and it is your responsibility to be aware of local regulations. We disclaim any liability for any decisions made based on the information provided. The tool and its data are subject to change without notice. For more details, please refer to our terms and disclosure.