New York
Wage: $74,870 ($36.00/hr)
Home Price: $448,929
Rent: $2,673/mo
Overview of New York
Homes in New York state are very expensive at $448,929, and a dollar buys you much less than average ($83.70 value). Property crime rates in New York are moderate at 17.22 incidents per 1,000 people.
Curious what your salary would look like after taxes in New York? Try our free tax calculators.
Compared to the national average, New York the difference in median home prices is 29.07% – positive being higher than the national average, negative being lower. The difference in the value of $100 is -18.98% – positive meaning you can buy more with $100, negative meaning less.
Average rent disparity compared to the national average is 67.21% and property crime is -8.96%.
Kings, Queens, New York
Zip Codes
10001, 11417, 11201
Popular Metro Area
New York-Newark
Most Populated City
New York City
Median Home Price
Value of $100
Average Monthly Rent
Property Crime Per 1000
Cost of Living
Cost of Living in New York
The average monthly cost of living expenses in New York including: energy, internet, phone bills and miscellaneous expenses.
Total Utilities Cost Per Month
Energy Bill
Monthly Water Bill
Monthly Internet
Natural Gas (Utilities)
Monthly Phone Bill
Streaming Services
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Crime in New York
Typical crime rates in New York including: Crime Rate Per 100k Residents, Violent Crime Per 100k Residents, and Non-Violent Crime Per 100k Residents.
Crime Rate Per 100k Residents
Violent Crime Per 100k Residents
Non-Violent Crime Per 100k Residents
Jobs in New York
Key job metrics including: Unemployment Rate, Average Wage, and Labor Force Participation.
Job Growth Rate (%)
Unemployment Rate (%)
Job Openings Level
Annual Average Wage
Hourly Average Wage
Labor Force Participation (%)
Taxes in New York
Tax rates including: state, local, and combined sales tax rate.
State Sales Tax
Average Local Sales Tax
Combined Sales Tax Rate
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We use original research, government sources, and trusted private organizations such as the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Zillow, RentCafe, Tax Foundation, Forbes Advisor, Forbes Home, NCSL, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.