Cost of Coronary Angioplasty (PCI) in Switzerland

Procedure: $9356

Save 70.85% $32092

Average cost of a Coronary Angioplasty (PCI) in Switzerland is $9356

Flight: $1021

An average round-trip flight from the United States to Switzerland costs $1021

Hotel and Food: $235/day

Average cost of hotels and food in Switzerland is $235/day

The average total cost for a Coronary Angioplasty (PCI) in Switzerland is $12022, which includes flights, a seven-day hotel stay, and food. Compared to the cost in the United States, you could save an average of 70.85%.

All prices are calculated in USD for convenience.

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Step 1: Compare Costs

The first step in finding the best healthcare deal around the world involves carefully comparing different providers. You want to find a provider that’s not too expensive. But still reputable, safe, and highly rated, so you get a great deal without giving up anything important.

TravelCare+ will soon let you request free quotes from different countries. In the meantime, use our database of average prices as a reference when choosing the right international healthcare provider.

Step 2: Book Flight

The next step is booking a flight. You can choose your favorite airline or use to compare at prices from different airlines to find the best deal.

You have the power to choose what fits your needs and budget.

Check current deals on flights to Switzerland or nearby cities:

Step 3: Accommodation

After booking your flight, it’s time to book a hotel in advance. Don’t forget to plan for additional food costs, so you know what to expect when you get there.

Similar to airlines, you can either stick with your preferred international hotel or compare accommodation costs to find the best deal.

Step 4: Visa and Insurance

Visa and insurance costs can change based on your specific needs. Make sure to budget for these when planning your trip.

Step 5: Return Home

Once your procedure is done, it’s time to return home. Enjoy the added perk of exploring a new country while saving potentially thousands on healthcare.

What is Medical Tourism?

Medical tourism is traveling to another country for healthcare. It’s not a vacation; the main goal is medical treatment. Here’s what you should know:

Different Treatments:

Medical tourists might go abroad for various reasons, such as:

  • Dental Care: For procedures related to teeth.
  • Cosmetic Surgery: For enhancing appearance.
  • Elective Surgery: Choosing to have surgery for non-life-threatening issues.
  • Fertility Treatments: Help with having a baby.

Experimental Treatments:

  • New Procedures: Some travel for new medical treatments not found at home.

Cultural Connections:

  • Familiar Care: Choosing a doctor who understands their culture or language.


  • Cost Savings: Often more affordable for US citizens as treatments abroad may cost less.

Why Medical Tourism?

Medical tourism allows people to find the care they need, possibly at a lower cost or in a more comfortable setting. Whether seeking specialized treatments or more standard procedures, millions are exploring this option around the world. It’s a way to access different healthcare choices, save money, or find care that feels right for the individual.

Procedure Cost: $9356

A Coronary Angioplasty (PCI) costs an average of $9356 in Switzerland, compared to an average of $32092 in the United States.

Flight: $1021 (Roundtrip)

A round-trip flight to Switzerland costs an average of $1021, assuming the flight is booked a few months in advance.

When to Visit Switzerland – Best Times and Tips

The best time to visit Switzerland is between April and October when the weather is nice, and you won’t bump into as many tourists. Here’s what each season has to offer:

  • Spring (March to May): Imagine Alpine meadows full of colorful flowers, trees bursting with blossoms, and cows going out to green pastures. It’s a picture-perfect setting for your medical tourism activities.
  • Summer (July and August): If you’re looking for the best weather, plan your trip for these months. Alpine trails are snow-free, and you can enjoy very long days.
  • Off-Season (January, February, November, December): If you want to save some money on flights, these are the months to consider. They’re not popular times for travel, so you can grab some flight deals.

Hotel: $170/day

On average, expect to spend $170 per day on hotels and accommodation.

If you’re going to Switzerland, you’ll need a place to stay! Here’s a few quick tips to help you book a hotel and what to know about tipping while you’re there:

Booking Your Hotel

  • Reserve the First Nights: Make sure to book at least the first night or two, so you have a place to stay.
  • Call the Hotel: You can call the hotel directly to book your room.
  • Use a Hotel Website: Many hotels let you book right from their website.
  • Get a Confirmation Number: Write down or print the number they give you when you book online. It’s like a receipt to prove you booked the room.
  • Compare prices using or Hotellook: Find over 1.4 million hotel options worldwide with or over 1.1 million accommodation options with Hotellook. Browse great deals and book online for cheaper rates. Experts say Saturday is best for domestic bookings, Thursday or Friday for international. Prices may decline the longer you wait.

Food: $65/day

Expect to spend an average of $65 per day on food in Switzerland.

Visa Information

Getting a Switzerland visa – Easy Steps:

If you’re planning to visit Switzerland, you’ll need a visa. Here’s what you need to know:

What You Need:

  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for at least 3 months beyond your intended stay.
  • ETIAS Registration: Required for U.S. citizens starting at the end of 2023.

How to Apply:

  • Short Stay (Up to 90 days): U.S. citizens don’t need a traditional visa. However, make sure your passport meets the validity requirements.
  • Long Stay (More than 90 days): Apply for a long-stay visa at a Swiss embassy or consulate. Obtain advance approval from the cantonal authority relevant to your stay.

After Applying:

  • Post-Arrival Procedures: For stays longer than 90 days, contact the cantonal immigration authority or police within 14 days of arrival to complete additional paperwork.
  • ETIAS Requirement: By the end of 2023, registration with ETIAS is mandatory for travel to Schengen Zone countries, including Switzerland.

Note: If you’re visiting Switzerland for medical tourism and planning to stay longer than 90 days, make sure to complete all required formalities, including contacting the cantonal authority, to ensure a smooth trip.

Total Cost: $12022

The average total cost you could expect to spend traveling to Switzerland for a Coronary Angioplasty (PCI):

Assuming a 7-day trip, hotel and food costs are multiplied by 7 to give you a full picture of your weekly expenses.

  1. Procedure Cost: $9356 (USD)
  2. Flight: $1021
  3. Hotel: $170/day
  4. Food: $65/day
  5. Total Cost: $12022

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