Cheapest Car Insurance in Oregon (Compare Rates For 2022)

Cheapest Car Insurance in Oregon.

Getting car insurance isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. Especially if you’re on a budget. This is why we gathered information on the cheapest car insurance in Oregon.

The state of Oregon has higher than average auto insurance rates. It also has regulations in place for any case when an insurance company wants to cancel your insurance.

For example, if an insurer tries to cancel for any reason other than non-payment they must give a 30-day warning.

That said, Oregon does require you to have auto insurance. If you’re looking to save money on your car insurance, you are in the right place.

Below, you will find information about the cheapest car insurance in Oregon.

Overview of the Cheapest Car Insurance in Oregon

Graph for the cheapest car insurance in Oregon.

For Minimum Coverage: GEICO offers cheap auto insurance for minimum coverage at $723 annually or $60.25 a month.

Cheapest Full Coverage: GEICO also offers the cheapest full coverage car insurance at $863 a year or $71.92 a month. 

For Drivers With One At-Fault Accident: State Farm is the best option for drivers with one at-fault accident. Going with State Farm will cost you $1,361 a year or $113.42 per month.

Cheapest For Drivers With a DUI: Drivers with a DUI will pay $1,076 annually or $89.67 a month with Progressive.

For Drivers With a Speeding Ticket: State Farm offers the lowest priced auto insurance at $1,140 a year or $95 a month.

Cheapest For Drivers With Poor Credit: If you have poor credit, GEICO is the cheapest option for auto insurance. Getting GEICOs insurance will cost you $1,432 a year or $119.33 per month.

We excluded USAA from these OR insurance choices due to USAA only being available to those currently or previously involved with the military.

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon

If you want the bare minimum coverage in Oregon, these are the lowest rates:

  1. USAA – $594 a year or $49.5 per month (Cheap Insurance For Military)
  2. GEICO – $723 every year or $60.25 a month (Cheapest Insurance If Not Military)
  3. Progressive – $804 a year or $67 per month
  4. Country Financial – $873 each year or $72.75 a month
  5. State Farm – $918 a year or $76.5 per month
  6. Travelers – $950 every year or $79.17 per month
  7. MetLife – $979 each year or $81.58 a month
  8. Nationwide – $1131 a year or $94.25 per month
  9. Farmers – $1266 a year or $105.5 per month
  10. Allstate – $1277 a year or $106.42 per month
  11. American Family – $1325 a year or $110.42 per month (Most Expensive)

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon

These are the rates you can expect in Oregon if you want to be fully covered when driving:

  1. USAA – $666 a year or $55.5 per month (Cheap Insurance For Military)
  2. GEICO – $863 every year or $71.92 a month (Cheapest Insurance If Not Military)
  3. Progressive – $868 a year or $72.33 per month
  4. Country Financial – $939 each year or $78.25 a month
  5. MetLife – $1016 a year or $84.67 per month
  6. State Farm – $1030 every year or $85.83 per month
  7. Travelers – $1068 each year or $89 a month
  8. Nationwide – $1108 a year or $92.33 per month
  9. Allstate – $1371 a year or $114.25 per month
  10. Farmers – $1374 a year or $114.50 per month
  11. American Family – $1390 a year or $115.83 per month (Most Expensive)

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For Drivers With Previous Accidents

Accidents will likely result in your monthly insurance costs increasing. Getting in an accident in OR may include; speeding tickets, at-fault accidents, or DUIs.

Cheapest Oregon Car Insurance With a Speeding Ticket

The cheapest car insurance in OR for a driver with a speeding ticket is either USAA or State Farm.

Insurance CompanyAnnual RatesMonthly Rates
State Farm$1,140$95.00
Country Financial$1,196$99.67
American Family$1,434$119.50

Cheap Oregon Auto Insurance With One At-Fault Accident

USAA and State Farm are the cheapest options when it comes to car insurance for OR drivers with one at-fault accident.

Insurance CompanyAnnual RatesMonthly Rates
State Farm$1,361$113.42
American Family$1,434$119.50
Country Financial$1,475$122.92

Cheap Oregon Car Insurance With a DUI

Progressive and USAA each have cheap annual rates for OR drivers with a DUI.

Insurance CompanyAnnual RatesMonthly Rates
State Farm$1,140$95.00
Country Financial$1,389$115.75
American Family$1,434$119.50

Related: What Is Money Made Of?

Cheapest Auto Insurance For Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

If you’re located in Oregon and have poor credit, these are your options for cheap car insurance:

Insurance CompanyAnnual RatesMonthly Rates
Country Financial$1,559$129.92
State Farm$1,710$142.50
American Family$2,308$192.33

Cheapest Car Insurance For 20-Year-Old Drivers in Oregon

Younger drivers typically have to deal with higher insurance costs. This is especially true for 20-year-olds in OR.

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For 20-Year-Old Oregon Drivers

USAA and GEICO have the cheapest full coverage auto insurance for 20-year-olds in OR.

  1. USAA – $1545 a year or $128.75 per month
  2. GEICO – $2001 each year or $166.75 a month
  3. Progressive – $2013 a year or $167.75 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2179 every year or $181.58 per month
  5. MetLife – $2357 each year or $196.42 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For 20-Year-Old Drivers

The cheapest minimum coverage auto insurance for 20-year-olds is USAA and GEICO in OR.

  1. USAA – $1379 a year or $114.92 per month
  2. GEICO – $1678 each year or $139.83 a month
  3. Progressive – $1865 a year or $155.42 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2025 every year or $168.75 per month
  5. State Farm – $2129 each year or $177.42 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For 20-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

Here are the lowest annual and monthly rates for 20-year-old OR drivers with poor credit:

  1. USAA – $2563 a year or $213.58 per month
  2. GEICO – $3321 each year or $276.75 a month
  3. Progressive – $3341 a year or $278.42 per month
  4. Country Financial – $3616 every year or $301.33 per month
  5. MetLife – $3912 each year or $326 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For 20-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With a Speeding Ticket

State Farm and USAA have the least expensive car insurance for 20-year-old OR drivers with a speeding ticket.

  1. USAA – $1963 a year or $163.58 per month
  2. State Farm – $2645 each year or $220.42 a month
  3. GEICO – $2683 a year or $223.58 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2775 every year or $231.25 per month
  5. Progressive – $2817 each year or $234.75 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For 20-Year-Old Drivers With a DUI

Here are the cheapest car insurance prices for 20-year-olds with a DUI:

  1. Progressive – $2496 a year or $208 per month
  2. USAA – $2594 each year or $216.17 a month
  3. State Farm – $2645 a year or $220.42 per month
  4. Country Financial – $3223 every year or $268.58 per month
  5. American Family – $3327 each year or $277.25 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For 20-Year-Old Drivers With One At-Fault Accident

Here are the least expensive car insurance monthly and annual costs for 20-year-old drivers in OR with one at-fault accident:

  1. USAA – $2431 a year or $202.58 per month
  2. State Farm – $3158 each year or $263.17 a month
  3. American Family – $3327 a year or $277.25 per month
  4. Country Financial – $3422 every year or $285.17 per month
  5. GEICO – $3362 each year or $280.17 a month

Cheapest Car Insurance For 22-Year-Old Drivers in Oregon

A 22-year-old OR driver usually won’t be paying as much for their auto insurance compared to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. However, a 22-year-old in OR also won’t have the discounted car insurance price older individuals have.

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For 22-Year-Old Oregon Drivers

The lowest cost full coverage auto insurance for 22-year-olds is USAA and GEICO in OR.

  1. USAA – $1065 a year or $88.75 per month
  2. GEICO – $1380 each year or $115 a month
  3. Progressive – $1388 a year or $115.67 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1503 every year or $125.25 per month
  5. MetLife – $1626 each year or $135.5 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For 22-Year-Old Drivers

When it comes to cheap minimum coverage auto insurance in OR for 22-year-olds, the best companies to use are USAA and GEICO.

  1. USAA – $951 a year or $79.25 per month
  2. GEICO – $1157 each year or $96.42 a month
  3. Progressive – $1286 a year or $107.17 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1397 every year or $116.42 per month
  5. MetLife – $1468 each year or $122.33 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For 22-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

Here are the cheapest yearly and monthly auto insurance rates for 22-year-old OR drivers with poor credit:

  1. USAA – $1771 a year or $147.58 per month
  2. GEICO – $2295 each year or $191.25 a month
  3. Progressive – $2308 a year or $192.33 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2499 every year or $208.25 per month
  5. Company Name – $2703 each year or $225.25 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For 22-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With a Speeding Ticket

USAA and State Farm have the cheapest expensive car insurance for 22-year-old OR drivers with a speeding ticket.

  1. USAA – $1354 a year or $112.83 per month
  2. State Farm – $1824 each year or $152 a month
  3. GEICO – $1851 a year or $154.25 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1914 every year or $159.5 per month
  5. Progressive – $1943 each year or $161.92 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For 22-Year-Old Drivers With a DUI

These are the least expensive car insurance prices for 22-year-olds with a DUI:

  1. Progressive – $1722 a year or $143.5 per month
  2. USAA – $1789 each year or $149.08 a month
  3. State Farm – $1824 a year or $152 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2223 every year or $185.25 per month
  5. American Family – $2294 each year or $191.17 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For 22-Year-Old Drivers With One At-Fault Accident

These insurance companies offer cheap annual and monthly car insurance for 22-year-olds in OR with an accident:

  1. USAA – $1677 a year or $139.75 per month
  2. State Farm – $2178 each year or $181.5 a month
  3. American Family – $2294 a year or $191.17 per month
  4. Country Financial – $2360 every year or $196.67 per month
  5. GEICO – $2319 each year or $193.25 a month

Cheapest Car Insurance For 25-Year-Old Drivers in Oregon

25 is the age where OR auto insurance premiums start to decline quicker. This means living in Oregon, you get to save more money on car insurance.

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For 25-Year-Old Oregon Drivers

Here are the cheapest options for full coverage auto insurance for 25-year-olds in OR:

  1. USAA – $812 a year or $67.67 per month
  2. GEICO – $1052 each year or $87.67 a month
  3. Progressive – $1059 a year or $88.25 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1146 every year or $95.5 per month
  5. MetLife – $1240 each year or $103.33 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For 25-Year-Old Drivers

USAA and GEICO has the cheapest minimum coverage auto insurance for OR 25-year-olds.

  1. USAA – $725 a year or $60.42 per month
  2. GEICO – $882 each year or $73.5 a month
  3. Progressive – $981 a year or $81.75 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1065 every year or $88.75 per month
  5. State Farm – $1119 each year or $93.25 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For 25-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

25-year-old drivers with poor credit can use USAA or GEICO for the lowest annual and monthly rates.

  1. USAA – $1352 a year or $112.67 per month
  2. GEICO – $1751 each year or $145.92 a month
  3. Progressive – $1762 a year or $146.83 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1907 every year or $158.92 per month
  5. MetLife – $2063 each year or $171.92 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For 25-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With a Speeding Ticket

Here are the least expensive auto insurance options for 25-year-old OR drivers with a speeding ticket:

  1. USAA – $1032 a year or $86 per month
  2. State Farm – $1391 each year or $115.92 a month
  3. GEICO – $1411 a year or $117.58 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1459 every year or $121.58 per month
  5. Progressive – $1481 each year or $123.42 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For 25-Year-Old Drivers With a DUI

25-year-olds with a DUI have these options for cheap car insurance:

  1. Progressive – $1313 a year or $109.42 per month
  2. USAA – $1364 each year or $113.67 a month
  3. State Farm – $1391 a year or $115.92 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1695 every year or $141.25 per month
  5. American Family – $1749 each year or $145.75 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For 25-Year-Old Drivers With One At-Fault Accident

USAA and State Farm have the least expensive car insurance yearly and monthly costs for 25-year-old drivers in OR with one at-fault accident.

  1. USAA – $1279 a year or $106.58 per month
  2. State Farm – $1661 each year or $138.42 a month
  3. American Family – $1749 a year or $145.75 per month
  4. GEICO – $1768 every year or $147.33 per month
  5. Country Financial – $1799 each year or $149.92 a month

Cheapest Car Insurance For 28-Year-Old Drivers in Oregon

By 28 years old your monthly payments on auto insurance in OR will be a lot less compared to what they would have as an 18-year-old. The lower the monthly and annual cost, the more money you can save!

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For 28-Year-Old Oregon Drivers

USAA and GEICO offers cheap full coverage auto insurance in OR for 28-year-olds.

  1. USAA – $739 a year or $61.58 per month
  2. GEICO – $958 each year or $79.83 a month
  3. Progressive – $963 a year or $80.25 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1043 every year or $86.92 per month
  5. MetLife – $1128 each year or $94 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For 28-Year-Old Drivers

28-year-olds in OR looking for cheap minimum coverage auto insurance should use either GEICO or USAA.

  1. USAA – $660 a year or $55 per month
  2. GEICO – $803 each year or $66.92 a month
  3. Progressive – $892 a year or $74.33 per month
  4. Country Financial – $969 every year or $80.75 per month
  5. State Farm – $1019 each year or $84.92 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For 28-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

USAA and GEICO offer low annual and monthly rates for 28-year-old OR drivers with poor credit:

  1. USAA – $1225 a year or $102.08 per month
  2. GEICO – $1587 each year or $132.25 a month
  3. Progressive – $1597 a year or $133.08 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1728 every year or $144 per month
  5. MetLife – $1869 each year or $155.75 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For 28-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With a Speeding Ticket

Here are insurance companies offering the least expensive car insurance for 28-year-old OR drivers with a speeding ticket:

  1. USAA – $939 a year or $78.25 per month
  2. State Farm – $1265 each year or $105.42 a month
  3. GEICO – $1284 a year or $107 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1328 every year or $110.67 per month
  5. Progressive – $1348 each year or $112.33 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For 28-Year-Old Drivers With a DUI

Progressive and USAA offer cheap and affordable car insurance prices for 28-year-olds with a DUI.

  1. Progressive – $1194 a year or $99.5 per month
  2. USAA – $1241 each year or $103.42 a month
  3. State Farm – $1265 a year or $105.42 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1542 every year or $128.5 per month
  5. American Family – $1592 each year or $132.67 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For 28-Year-Old Drivers With One At-Fault Accident

28-year-old drivers in OR with one at-fault accident can use either USAA or State Farm for cheap auto insurance.

  1. USAA – $1163 a year or $96.92 per month
  2. State Farm – $1511 each year or $125.92 a month
  3. American Family – $1592 a year or $132.67 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1637 every year or $136.42 per month
  5. GEICO – $1609 each year or $134.08 a month

Cheapest Car Insurance For 30-Year-Old Drivers in Oregon

Oregon auto insurance prices in your 30s will be even cheaper compared to your teenage years and early to mid-20s.

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For 30-Year-Old Oregon Drivers

Here are the cheapest car insurance options for 30-year-olds in OR that want to be fully covered:

  1. USAA – $666 a year or $55.5 per month
  2. GEICO – $863 each year or $71.91 a month
  3. Progressive – $868 a year or $72.33 per month
  4. Country Financial – $939 every year or $78.25 per month
  5. MetLife – $1016 each year or $84.67 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For 30-Year-Old Drivers

USAA has the cheapest auto insurance rates for 30-year-olds in OR that want minimum coverage.

  1. USAA – $594 a year or $49.5 per month
  2. GEICO – $723 each year or $60.25 a month
  3. Progressive – $804 a year or $67 per month
  4. Country Financial – $873 every year or $72.75 per month
  5. State Farm – $918 each year or $76.5 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For 30-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With Poor Credit

USAA and GEICO have the least expensive annual and monthly rates for 30-year-old OR drivers with poor credit.

  1. USAA – $1105 a year or $92.08 per month
  2. GEICO – $1432 each year or $119.33 a month
  3. Progressive – $1440 a year or $120 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1559 every year or $129.92 per month
  5. MetLife – $1687 each year or $140.58 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For 30-Year-Old Oregon Drivers With a Speeding Ticket

Check out these OR insurance companies for cheap car insurance for 30-year-old drivers with a speeding ticket:

  1. USAA – $846 a year or $70.5 per month
  2. State Farm – $1140 each year or $95 a month
  3. GEICO – $1157 a year or $96.42 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1196 every year or $99.67 per month
  5. Progressive – $1214 each year or $101.17 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For 30-Year-Old Drivers With a DUI

Progressive has the cheapest auto insurance prices for OR 30-year-olds with a DUI.

  1. Progressive – $1076 a year or $89.67 per month
  2. USAA – $1118 each year or $93.17 a month
  3. State Farm – $1140 a year or $95 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1389 every year or $115.75 per month
  5. American Family – $1434 each year or $119.5 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For 30-Year-Old Drivers With One At-Fault Accident

Here are the least expensive car insurance monthly and yearly costs for 30-year-old drivers in OR with one accident on record:

  1. USAA – $1048 a year or $87.33 per month
  2. State Farm – $1361 each year or $113.42 a month
  3. American Family – $1434 a year or $119.5 per month
  4. GEICO – $1449 every year or $120.75 per month
  5. Country Financial – $1475 each year or $122.92 a month

Cheapest Car Insurance For Oregon Drivers Over 65 Years Old

Auto insurance prices in OR will vary depending on what you’re looking for and what your situation is as a 65-year-old driver.

Cheapest Full Coverage Car Insurance For Oregon Drivers Over 65 Years Old

The cheapest full coverage auto insurance for OR drivers over 65 years old is USAA and GEICO.

  1. USAA – $786 a year or $65.5 per month
  2. GEICO – $879 each year or $73.25 a month
  3. MetLife – $982 a year or $81.83 per month
  4. Progressive – $985 every year or $82.08 per month
  5. Country Financial – $990 each year or $82.5 a month

Cheapest Minimum Coverage Car Insurance in Oregon For Drivers Over The Age of 65

Here are all your options for getting cheap car insurance with minimum coverage in OR when you’re over 65 years old:

  1. USAA – $700 a year or $58.33 per month
  2. GEICO – $735 each year or $61.25 a month
  3. Progressive – $911 a year or $75.92 per month
  4. State Farm – $918 every year or $76.5 per month
  5. Country Financial – $923 each year or $76.92 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance For Oregon Drivers Over 65 Years Old With Poor Credit

If you have poor credit in OR and are over 65 years old, these are your options for cheap car insurance:

  1. USAA – $1305 a year or $108.75 per month
  2. GEICO – $1460 each year or $121.67 a month
  3. MetLife – $1629 a year or $135.75 per month
  4. Progressive – $1636 every year or $136.75 per month
  5. Country Financial – $1644 each year or $137 a month

Cheap Car Insurance For Oregon Drivers Over 65 Years Old With a Speeding Ticket

If you have a speeding ticket and are over the age of 65, here are your options in OR:

  1. USAA – $1005 a year or $83.75 per month
  2. State Farm – $1140 each year or $95 a month
  3. Country Financial – $1263 a year or $105.25 per month
  4. Nationwide – $1370 every year or $114.17 per month
  5. Progressive – $1474 each year or $122.83 a month

Cheap Auto Insurance in Oregon For Drivers Over The Age of 65 With a DUI

State Farm has the least expensive auto insurance for OR drivers over 65 years old with a DUI:

  1. State Farm – $1140 a year or $95 per month
  2. Progressive – $1315 each year or $109.58 a month
  3. USAA – $1336 a year or $111.33 per month
  4. Country Financial – $1462 every year or $121.83 per month
  5. American Family – $1545 each year or $128.75 a month

Cheap Car Insurance in Oregon For Drivers Over 65 Years Old With One At-Fault Accident

If you don’t want to spend a lot on auto insurance but are over the age of 65 and have an accident on record, these are your options:

  1. State Farm – $1361 a year or $113.42 per month
  2. USAA – $1374 each year or $114.5 a month
  3. American Family – $1545 a year or $128.75 per month
  4. Nationwide – $1767 every year or $147.25 per month
  5. Country Financial – $1792 each year or $149.33 a month

Oregon Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements

The state of Oregon has a list of requirements for the minimum amount of auto insurance a driver can have.

These requirements include:

  1. At a minimum; insured for $25,000 bodily injury and property damage liability per person.
  2. In the event of a crash, $50,000 needs to be insured for bodily injury to others.
  3. A total of $20,000 per crash for property damage caused by the vehicle.
  4. $15,000 per person for personal injury protection.
  5. And lastly, $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for uninsured motorist coverage.

Methodology For Choosing Cheapest Oregon Auto Insurance

We compared rates from Oregon auto insurance companies throughout the state. The rates we used are calculated for a 35-year-old male with a good credit score (690-719).

Other stats used for the calculated rates include:

Bodily Injury Coverage: $50,000

Overall Coverage: $100,000

Property Damage Coverage: $50,000

Age: 35 years old

Vehicle: 2020 Sedan

Number of Incidents: 0

Credit Score: Good (690-719)

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage: None

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